1. Fatal Cross
(Front -- two-hand
attempted low grab or push)
2. Twirling Hammers
(Front -- left step through punch)
3. Defensive Cross
(Front -- right snap ball kick)
4. Dance of Darkness
(Front -- right kick followed by a right punch)
5. Marriage of the Rams
(Flank -- right and left shoulder grabs / two men)
6. Ram and the Eagle
(Front -- right punch / Rear -- shoulder grab / two men)
7. Escape from the Storm
(Right flank -- overhead club)
8. Circling Windmills
(Front -- two-hand push followed by a right punch)
9. Destructive Kneel
(Front -- right step through punch)
10. Bowing to Buddha
(Front -- right roundhouse kick [while kneeling])
11. Reversing Circles
(Front -- left roundhouse kick and left punch)
12. Reprimanding the Bears
(Front -- right punch / Rear -- bear hug, arms free / two
13. Circling the Storm
(Front -- right club thrust)
14. Unfolding the Dark
(Right rear flank -- left punch)
15. Unwinding Pendulum
(Front -- right kick followed by a right punch)
16. Piercing Lance
(Front -- right knife thrust [while arms are up])
17. Escape from Darkness
(Left rear flank -- right punch)
18. Capturing the Rod
(Front -- right pistol holdup)
19. Prance of the Tiger
(Right flank -- right step through uppercut)
20. Broken Rod
(Rear -- right pistol
21. Entwined Maces
(Front -- right and left straight punches)
22. Defying the Rod
(Front -- right pistol holdup)
23. Fatal Deviation
(Front -- right and left punches)
24. Twisted Rod
(Front -- right pistol holdup)
Long Form Three
Personal Form
Double Crane Clears
Outward Two
Finger Hook
Two Finger Poke
Specialized Holds:
Pistol Grip
Foot Maneuvers:
Forward Step
Drag (While Kneeling)
Stiff Leg Sweep
Middle-Knuckle Fist (Palm Up)
Open Hand Back Knuckle
Inward Palm Slap
Underhand Crane
Underhand Back Knuckle
Sandwiching Back Knuckle
Rear Back Knuckle
Inverted Outward Horizontal (Cobra Strike)
Downward Diagonal
Looping Outward
Diagonal Upward
Vertical Outward
Flapping Elbow
Downward Outward Back Knuckle
Circling Inward Elbow
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