1. Clutching Feathers
(Front -- left hand hair grab)
2. Triggered Salute
(Front -- right hand direct push)
3. Dance of Death
(Front -- right straight punch)
4. Gift Of Destruction
(Right -- handshake)
5. Locking Horns
(Front -- headlock)
6. Lone Kimono
(Front -- left hand
lapel grab)
7. Glancing Salute
(Front -- right hand cross push)
8. Five Swords
(Front -- right step
through roundhouse punch)
9. Scraping Hoof
(Full nelson)
10. Grip of Death
(Left -- flank right arm headlock)
11. Crossing Talon
(Front -- right cross wrist grab)
12. Shielding Hammer
(Front -- left step through hooking punch)
13. Thrusting Salute
(Front -- right step through kick)
14. Striking Serpent's Head
(Front -- bear hug, arms free)
15. Locked Wing
16. Obscure Wing
(Right flank -- left hand shoulder grab)
17. Reversing Mace
(Front -- left step through straight punch)
18. Buckling Branch
(Front -- left step through kick)
19. Thrusting Prongs
(Front -- bear hug, arms pinned)
20. Twisted Twig
(Front -- wrist lock)
21. Obscure Sword
(Right flank -- left hand shoulder grab)
22. Repeating Mace
(Front -- left hand push)
23. Raining Claw
(Front -- right uppercut punch)
24. Crashing Wings
(Rear -- bear hug, arms free)
Short Form One
(Both Sides)
Personal Form
One Leg
Reverse Hammerfist
Obscure Back Elbow
Outward Overhead Elbow
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